Tag Archives: geek girl

Professor of Nerdlesque heading to ECCC

photograph of jojo stiletto dressed as x-files agent dana scully

I’ve scheduled a clandestine exchange of a 3-day pass to Emerald City Comicon and finally sitting down to figure out my strategy. I’m a newbie comic reader but an old school fangirl. I’ve headed to ECCC for the last few years and my experiences have been mostly very good. Once GeekGirlCon came on the scene, my opinion overall has evolved a bit. It’s amazing how different the two feel, for all the obvious reasons. I definitely enjoy attending both and will continue to do so. Yet, GGC…you own my heart. Here is my personal to-do list for this weekend. • Buy Brandon Bird art inspired by Nick Cage. • Hang … Continue reading

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Nerdlesque: The New Burlesque…the BOOK!

Nerdlesque is fantastical alchemy combining burlesque and sexy, brave, beautiful nerds of all shapes, sexes and sizes. Phasers replace feather boas and D20s replace pastie tassels in this new and exciting trend of modern burlesque. As nerd culture merges with the mainstream, nerdlesque too is evolving the art of burlesque. Imagine a lady Spock doing a striptease. Across the world, performers are creating genre-defining acts: some serious, most sexy and fun. These acts harken back to the history of burlesque while also tickling our modern-day geek fantasies. I’m proud to announce that I’ll be represented by Red Sofa Literary on an exciting book titled Nerdlesque: The New Burlesque. The second … Continue reading

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