Just a sneak preview of the images shot by Heather Schofner. I want to say my favorite Tori Amos song is something like God or Past the Mission or Blood Roses. But, really, it seems the song that has stuck with me is Flying Dutchman. It reeks of youth but also hope. It’s so heavy handed it’s almost silly. But, ah, that feeling of wanting to make something of yourself. To prove everyone wrong. And, you know what? I did just that. I’m pretty okay with adult Jo Jo. “Hey kid, I’ve got a ride for you. They say, your brain is a comic book tattoo And you’ll never be … Continue reading →
Mal and his crew have Serenity. Angel Investigations has the Hyperion Hotel. The Scoobies have the library. The Agents of SHIELD have their plane aka the bus. Whedonesque Burlesque, well, we have the Theatre Off Jackson. It’s our home. It keeps us flying. And it’s worthy of your support. Check out what I have to say about TOJ and follow Theatre Off Jackson on twitter and facebook. Share!

How many pop culture t-shirts can I fit in a carry-on suitcase? Which Kigurumi romper will best represent my mood: lemur, flying squirrel or blue owl? Where did I put my damn Lego earrings?! This is my internal monologue today as I prepare to pack for the first annual Nerdlesque Festival in New York. The mission of this festival is “not to produce one festival to rule them all, but to acknowledge, celebrate, and encourage burlesque performance that is inspired by pop culture, geek culture and the experiences of the modern day nerd.” The notion of an entire festival focused on the kind of burlesque that some in our community … Continue reading →

I’ve not been the best wife, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, or employee this year but I’ve been a very good nerd. The Professor of Nerdlesque, unexpectedly, became the focus of my attention in the last calendar year. Truth be told, my best ideas are never my own (thanks, Jules). This last year started with an inspiring three hour long conversation with a stranger on New Year’s Day. With little coercion, I soon signed a contract with Dawn of Red Sofa Literary and thus spun 2013 off its expected axis. For a muggle of non-nerd birth, I’ve had an exceptionally magical year of nerdiness. Thus, I wanted to share some of … Continue reading →

I’m a rare bird in the slow-changing and challenging comics industry: a middle-aged newbie female reader. I’m a noob! Sometimes I feel dumb then I get over it. I ask a lot of questions. I get recommendations. I browse shelves that are very confusing My new fandom and plucky attitude can be attributed to friends like Edward Ward, GeekGirlCon and bloggers like Jill Pantozzi. It all started with Ed. He had a dream a few years back of creating a mobile comic book store called Paper Windows Bookseller. It was genius. He sadly didn’t get past the start-up phase but for a short time he was hand-delivering to a small … Continue reading →

When I first saw the Atomic Bombshells Lost in Space production, I adored the sights and sounds of it. It was as if someone reached back through space and time, a Twilight Zone-esque travel, to a high school version of myself and said, “this obsession with Esquivel, you are not alone. One day you will find your people.” Back then, as my peers listened to Brooks and Dunn (I was from Oregon, after all), I was scratching the surface of space age pop and other vintage wonders. With a flood of shows out there in nerdlesque-land that specifically reference science fiction staples like Star Wars and Star Trek (or, ahem, … Continue reading →

A panel talk + community conversation exploring gender stereotypes and the body. From small press zines through mainstream comic superheroes, dance performance and “nerdlesque”, hear from some of the most engaged local artists + publishers on the topic. Come share your view on how these perceptions of embodiment influence pop culture — or is it the other way around? Velocity Speakeasy Panel + Conversation THURS OCT 10 / 6:30 – 8:30PM FREE An Arts Crush Featured Event. Curated by Melinda Fox (geek/activist/nonprofit strategist). Featuring Stellar Panelists: Charles “Zan” Christensen (Northwest Press) Jennifer K. Stuller (Ink-Stained Amazon) Jo Jo Stiletto (Jo Jo Stiletto Events) Maya Soto (soto style dance) Kelly Froh … Continue reading →

Seattle has become a hotbed of nerdlesque, with geeky themed shows just about every weekend by a variety of producers. My friends over at Smooches and Science Present are bringing their popular video game themed burlesque show, JOYstick! Level 2, back to our fair city. This time, it’s rebels versus past cast members (or Team Red versus Team Blue). I asked host and producer Vanadium Silver a few questions about what the audience should expect. How should one prepare for this show? Preparation is best done through hooking up your Xbox 360 or PS3 and playing some of the more recent popular game series. We try to not get too obscure … Continue reading →

Last night I had the distinct pleasure of planning a book release party for Fan Phenomena: Buffy the Vampire Slayer edited by brilliant and talented Jennifer K. Stuller. A Night at the Bronze featured Buffy trivia, smutty fanfiction readings, singing Giles/Ripper and even puppet Joss Whedon singing gleefully about the death of your favorite characters set to the tune of Billy Joel’s “Piano Man.” This book is for all Buffy fans new and old who are asking themselves “where do we go from here”? Fan Phenomena: Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a celebration, a geek freak out, a fun pontification on what it means to continue to be inspired by … Continue reading →

On August 26th I was invited to speak as part of an art exhibit at the Hedreen Art Gallery curated by Rebecca Brown. Rebecca, a Stranger Genius Award winner, is actually my neighbor and I was quite honored to be included. Here is recap from a local blogger. Thank you to local nerdlesque superstars Sailor St. Claire and Scarlett O’Hairdye, who took of their clothes at a Jesuit institution in the name of art. Share!