Tag Archives: Sinner Saint Burlesque

This Weekend in Nerdlesque: Little Nerds, Big Nerds

photograph of JoJo Stiletto as a child dressed in Wonder Woman underoos

Little nerds grow up to be big nerds. Or, this young redhead in Wonder Woman Underoos did, indeed, evolve into a different kind of super hero. The kind that tries to be the champion of the other not-so-little girls, in similar states of Underoo undress, and their strange obsessions. With this in mind, I am appearing on stage this weekend is a very special fundraiser for Sinner Saint Burlesque called Very Special Feelings. Here is the basic description: Back by popular demand, we bring you journal readings, stories and other cries from our naive and impressionable youths. To make an intimate and cheek reddening evening even more bizarre, the ladies … Continue reading

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